Tuesday, September 30, 2008

He's Here!

I'm taking just a few seconds to let everyone know that Logan is here. He was born in Manhattan, Kansas (in the shadow if Bill Snyder Stadium) this morning at 7:46 am via c-section. He weighed 9 lbs 6 ozs and was 21 inches long. Aly and Logan are doing great. After a little rest and rocking time I hope to post more, but for now check out the slide show to the right.


Friday, September 19, 2008

11 Days and Counting

First, Let me wish Logan's daddy Andy a Happy 23rd birthday, Happy Birthday Andy! Also, Grandma Shirley's birthday was yesterday, but a lady never tells her true age, so Happy birthday Grandma Shirley! Logan picked a great month to be born.

Last Friday, Alyssa had another ultrasound, and Logan was still in the breech position. The doctor measured him and estimated his weight at 7lbs and 9ozs. Because of his size and position (but mostly his position) Alyssa will have a C-section on September 30th at 7:30 in the morning.

Today, Alyssa went back to the doctor and had her first “exam”. Unfortunately the doc could feel Logan’s feet, which means he is in a footling breech position and he has a slightly higher risk of the umbilical cord coming out first and getting compressed. This is called a prolapsed cord, and it is rare, but it is one of the risks in a foot-first breech position. Alyssa's doctor is great, and explained to Alyssa the importance of going directly to the hospital if she starts to have any signs of labor, or if her water breaks. Alyssa and Logan will be fine, but like my cousin said “Sometimes we just know too much.” Translated, this means “Quit worrying Mitzi.”

This is all happening so quickly and it is so surreal. I mean, I’ve been preparing since February but it always seemed like some distant future. Now, it seems like it has snuck up on me and slapped me in the face. Those of you who have had children graduate, get married, or have their own babies know what I mean. You can prepare for something for months or years, and you always know it will eventually come to pass, but when it actually does, it just hits you that “My baby graduated.” or “They’re married!” or “I’M A FREAKIN GRANDMOTHER!!!” OK, now I’m ready.

Beware! The following images may prevent practice of marital relations in some viewers.

37 weeks & 3 days


I can't believe there is only one.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Logan's Room

Alyssa sent me some pictures of Logan's room to post on the blog. It is so adorable. As I look at it I can see pieces that came from many loved friends and relatives who have provided Logan with a beautiful place to grow. Thank you so much.

I know that when you're young and broke that having a pretty nursery seems kind of unimportant, but one of the highlights of having a baby is getting to start off with a new space and make it warm and comfortable. We want everything for our children, and this is one experience that I didn't want Alyssa to miss out on. Sure Logan could have slept in a dresser drawer by the bed, but having a baby should be a wonderful time, and I didn't want her cheated out of that.

As I was looking at the pictures I started thinking back to February when we found out Alyssa was going to have a baby.

To say that it has not been difficult for me to deal with Alyssa being pregnant while she is still so young and in school would be a lie. At first I really tried to look at the positives: she is an adult, she and Andy have been in a committed relationship for 2 years, and I know I will love Logan as much as I love her and the boys (although I am NOT old enough to be a grandmother).

However, as time passed it got harder and harder for me to hide my disappointment that Alyssa would have to suffer the same hardships that Al and I have, and that she wouldn't experience all of the things that I had wished for her. I would still marry Al all over again and I wouldn't trade any of my kids for anything, but I wish we had waited a little longer before starting a family.

Yesterday, I was sitting with Christian and pondering my life (for those of you fond of pondering, Christian is the one to do it with) when he asked me "If you lived your life over knowing what you know now, would you do anything different?"

"Yes. I would wait until I finished college to get married and have babies."

"But then you wouldn't have us."

"Yes I would, just later."

"But not US. It would be different kids at a different time. Also, Dad wouldn't join the Army, and we wouldn't grow up with and know the people that we know now."

I thought about that, and I realized he was right. The DNA would be a little different, and I would have had 3 totally different kids. Now whether I would have had the same souls is a belief that I will leave up to you, but the physical beings would be different and our entire life would be changed.

I've always thought that if you want to change one part of your life you have to be willing to trade your entire life for it, because your life comes to you as a package and you can't trade bits and pieces of it. Christian and his old soul reinforced that for me. I wouldn't do anything different and the only thing I can do to change things is to learn from my mistakes and work toward making them better now. It's never too late.

Alyssa and Andy have that same opportunity. They are young, but they can still finish school and raise a wonderful and happy child. It won't be easy, but they can do it, and we're all willing to help.