Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Logan's First Parade
Finally, at about 2:00 p.m. the Papillion Monarch Marching Band stepped off the parade. We were very excited that the Monarch Band was first this year. They take turns each year (with Papillion South) leading or concluding the parade. Since the parade is about 2 hours long, we weren't committed to the whole thing.
Here is a great shot of the bell of Nicholas' Mellophone. Hint, its the third bell from the right.
Here is a great shot of the right half of his back. He's in the middle.
Here are a couple of great shots of Nicholas' back while he does the band dance.
The City Council was handing out freezer pops, and I thought Logan would like to chew on a sealed one since he's teething. Grandpa poked a tiny hole in it, and he got some yummy grape ice for his front tooth pain. Turns out he liked it. Soon, Nicholas joined us, and I actually got a picture of his lovely face. You did great Monarch Band. We can't wait to see your show this fall.
We stayed until about 3:00 p.m. so Logan could see the fire trucks and the tiny Shriner cars and motorcycles. OK, we really stayed so Christian could see the tiny cars and motorcycles, but Logan liked them too. It was a great day, and Logan is now resting up for his next big first.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Happy Birthday Alyssa
Today is Alyssa's 21st Birthday. I just got over the fact that I'm a Grandmother, and now 21? It seems like yesterday she was born.
Anyone that has ever had children know the magic that a first-born holds. You go from being an individual to being a mother. You hold your tiny baby in your arms and wonder at the miracle. I held her and cried because I couldn't believe how incredibly lucky I was to have her in my life. She was so small, and so dependant on me that I didn't even want to think about her growing up. However, all babies grow, and today my baby has a baby of her own.
I won't say it has always been easy, but I wouldn't change having Alyssa as my daughter for anything in the world. The saddest day of my life was when she moved out of the house to go to Manhattan for College. I think if I had known then that she was leaving for good I might have tied her to the bannister and said "You're not leaving." I have learned to let go (somewhat) and now she is a beautiful wonderful young mother. Having her and Logan in my home makes me so happy, and I am enjoying spending time with Logan and reliving the times I had with his beautiful mom.
Logan gets so much from Alyssa. First he is a beautiful baby just like her. also, he is such a happy baby just like she was. I had people stop me in stores and tell me what a beautiful smile she had. You know what...she still has it. A beautiful smile with a twinkle in her eye. I miss that smile. Finally, Logan keeps me young. I know you're thinking "How does being a Grandma keep you young?" Well, it keeps me intouch with the newest trends and culture, and helps me feel like I'm not withering up and dying. Alyssa alwyas did that. Her enthusiasm for life, her fearlessness, and her love of all people, no matter how weird, kept me young. I know the boys will be moving out soon, but I'll still have Logan to keep his Grandma on her toes.
I love you Alyssa Happy Birthday.